Crystal Gardeners

My work is built around the some basic principles. These are then naturally integrated into my work, both drawn and written.

1. Unity means oneness and includes a feeling of well-being

a) Unity of Ideas
b) Unity of Style: formal, asymmetrical and informal.
c) Unity of Details
d) Unity of Limitations of the site

2. Simplicity

a) Limiting the number of different materials
b) Do not clutter the space
c) Repeat plants, material and colours
d) Restrict the use of colours

3. My well-balanced design is harmonious and complete. The garden is a balance of the plants and structure (masses), and the open areas of lawn, water and landscaping (void). The planting is dynamic and changes from season to season and year to year.


4. Rhythm

5. Focal point

6. Genius loci, which is 'Spirit of the Space'